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Peer-reviewed publications

19. Tallet, C., Ahloy-Dallaire, J., Chebahi, A., Clouard, C., Courboulay, V., Goumon, S., Lanthony, M., Villain, N. 2024. Le comportement du porc domestique. INRAE productions Animales. 7496

18. Clouard, C., Foreau, A., Goumon, S., Tallet., C. Merlot., E. Resmond, R. 2024. Evidence of stable preferential affiliative relationships in the domestic pig.  Animal Behaviour. 213, 95-105

17. Camerlink, I., Jowett, S., Goumon, S., 2023. Special issue on social relationships in farm animals. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 262, 105922.  


16. Baxter, E.B., Mouesten, V.A.M., Goumon, S., Illmann, I., Edwards, S.A.E. 2022. Transitioning from crates to free farrowing: a roadmap to navigate key decisions. Frontiers in veterinary science. 9:998192.


15. Goumon, S., Illmann, I., Mouestsen, V.A.M., Baxter, E. B., Edwards, S.A.E. 2022. Review of temporary crating of farrowing and lactating sows. Frontiers in veterinary science. 9:811810.


14. Rault, J-L., Camerlink, I., Goumon, S., Mundry, R., Špinka, M. 2021. The joint log-lift task: a social foraging paradigm.  Frontiers in Veterinary Science.  8:745627.

13. Illmann, G., Goumon, S., Chaloupková, H., 2021. Assessment of lying down behaviour in temporarily crated lactating sows.  Animal. 15, 2. 100130

​12. Goumon, S., Illmann, G.,  Leszkowová., I., Dostalová, A, Cantor, M. 2020. Dyadic affiliative preferences in a stable group of domestic pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 230, 105045. 

11. Illmann, G., Goumon, S., Šimečková, M., Leszkowová., I. 2019. Effect of crate opening from day 3 postpartum to weaning on nursing and suckling behaviour in domestic pigs. Animal. 1-7. 


10. Goumon, S., Leszkowová., I., Šimečková, M., Illmann, G. 2018. Sow stress levels and behavior and piglet performances in farrowing crates and farrowing pens with temporary crating. J. Anim. Sci. 96:4571-4578. 

9. Wirthgen, E., Goumon, S., Martin Kunze, M., Walz, C., Spitschak, M., Tuchscherer, A., Brown, J., Höflich, C., Faucitano, L., Hoeflich, A. 2018. Effects of transport duration and environmental conditions in winter or summer on the concentrations of IGFs and IGFBPs in the plasma of market-weight pigs. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 9, 36.


8. Wirthgen, E., Kunze, M., Goumon, S., Walz, M., Höflich, C., Spitschak, M., Brenmoehl, J., Kanitz, E., Tuchscherer, A., Otten, W., Schön, P., Manteuffel, C., Tuchscherer, A., Pfuhl, R., Stabenow, B., Erdmann, S., Faucitano, L., Scluricke, K., Hoeflich, A. 2017. Interference of stress with the somatotropic axis in pigs-lights on new biomarkers. Scientific Reports. 7, 12055. 


7. Goumon, S. and Faucitano, L. 2017. Influence of loading handling and facilities on the subsequent response to pre-slaughter stress in pigs. Livestock Science. 200: 6-13. 


6. Sommavilla, R., Faucitano, L., Gonyou, H., Seddon, Y.; Bergeron, R.; Widowski, T.; Crowe, T.; Connor, L.; Scheeren, M.B.; Goumon, S.; Brown, J. 2017. Season, Transport Duration and Trailer Compartment Effects on Blood Stress Indicators in Pigs: Relationship to Environmental, Behavioral and Other Physiological Factors, and Pork Quality Traits. Animals. 7, 8.  


5. Goumon, S. and Špinka, M. 2016. Emotional contagion of distress in young pigs is potentiated by previous exposure to the same stressor. Animal Cognition. 1-11. 


4. Goumon, S., L. Faucitano, R. Bergeron, T. Crowe, M. L. Connor and H.W. Gonyou. 2013. Effect of ramp configuration on ease of handling, heart rate and behavior of near-market weight pigs at unloading. Journal of Animal Science. 91:3889-3898. 


3. Goumon, S., R. Bergeron, L. Faucitano, T. Crowe, M. L. Connor and H. W. Gonyou. 2013. Effect of previous ramp exposure and regular handling on heart rate, ease of handling and behaviour of near market-weight pigs during a simulated loading. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 93:461-470.


2. Goumon, S., J. A. Brown, L. Faucitano, R. Bergeron, T. M. Widowski, T. Crowe, M. L. Connor and H. W. Gonyou. 2013. Effects of transport duration on behavior, heart rate and gastrointestinal tract temperature of market-weight pigs in 2 seasons. Journal of Animal Science. 91: 4925-4935. 


1. Goumon, S., J. A. Brown, L. Faucitano, R. Bergeron, T. Crowe, M. L. Connor and H. W. Gonyou. 2013. Effect of rest duration on recovery from repeated exercise in near market-weight pigs. Journal of Animal Science. 91: 5859-5867. 



Book chapters

2. Faucitano, L., Goumon, S. Nanni Costa, L. 2024. Chapter 15: Transport of pigs to slaughter and associated handling. In: Camerlink, I., Baxter, E. (Ed) Advances in Pig Welfare, 2nd edition. Woodhead Publishing, Kidlington, UK. Pp. 331-350.

1. Faucitano, L. and Goumon, S. 2018. Chapter 9: Transport of pigs to slaughter and associated handling. In: Spinka, M. (Ed) Advances in Pig Welfare. Woodhead Publishing, Kidlington, UK. Pp. 261-293.


Peer-reviewed abstracts, short communication, posters and oral presentations


27. Goumon, S., Messmer, K., Ulbrich S.E. 2023. identification and characterisation of social interactions using accelerometers in cattle. Agrovet-Strickhof day. Abstract and poster.  


26. Illmann, G., Chaloupková, H.,  Goumon, S. 2023. Assessment of lying down behaviour in temporarily crated lactating sows. 56th International congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Tallin, Estonia. P33. Oral presentation and abstract.


25. Brucks, D., Burg, L., König von Borstel, U., Goumon, S. 2021. Do pigs show prosocial behaviours in a group service paradigm? A pilot study.  54th International congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Bangalore. India. P83. Oral presentation and abstract.


24. Rault, JL, Camerlink, I., Goumon, S., Špinka, M. 2020. Development of the joint-lift task in pigs: hints on cooperation? ISAE 2020 Global Virtual Meeting  P39. Oral presentation and abstract.


23. Goumon, S. 2020. Logements de maternité chez le porc. Point sur les connaissances scientifiques. Workshop « vers la fin des cages de mise bas pour les truies ». 23 novembre 2020. Organisé par Compassion In World Farming (In French). Oral presentation.

22. Illmann, G., Goumon., S, Chaloupková, H.,  Leszkowová, I. 2020. Removal of confinement 3 days postpartum does not steadily increase exploratory behaviour nor reduce inactivity in domestic lactating sows. 47th Czechoslovak Ethological conference. P18. Oral presentation and abstract.


21. Thanner, S., Goumon, S., Grahofer, A. 2019.  Animal health and welfare – an important aspect of livestock in the world food system. USYS2019 conference, Davos, Switzerland, June 5-7. P14 Abstract and Oral presentation.


20. Illmann, G., Goumon, S.,  Leszkowová., I.  2018 Does removal of confinement during lactation increase activity of domestic crated sows? Low workshop arousal. Vienna, September 19-20. P12. Poster and abstract


19. Goumon, S., G. Illmann, I. Leszkowová, A. Dostálová, M. Cantor. 2018. Social preferences among Přeštice black-pied pigs. Proceedings of the 52th International congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Charlottetown, PEI. Canada. P222. Poster and abstract.


18. Ilmann, G., Goumon, S., Šimečková, M., Leszkowová., I. 2018. Effect of temporary confinement during lactation on nursing and suckling behaviour in domestic pigs. Proceedings of the 52th International congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Charlottetown, PEI. Canada. P213. Poster and abstract.


17. Goumon, S., I. Leszkowová, M. Šimečková. G. Illmann. 2018. Temporary crating pens: effects of early removal of confinement on sow stress levels and behaviour and piglet performances during lactation compared to permanent confinement. Proceedings of the joint east and west central Europe ISAE regional meeting. Warsaw, Poland. 11-12 June. P24. Abstract and Oral presentation.


16. Illmann, G., S. Goumon. 2018. Effect of temporary crating on sow and piglet welfare during lactaction.  Loose lactating sows workshop. Copenhagen, Denmark. Oral presentation


15. Wirthgen E., M. Kunze; C. Walz, C. Höflich, M. Spitschak, J. Brenmoehl, E. Kanitz, M. Tuchscherer, W. Otten, U. Gimsa, P. Schön, C. Manteuffel, A. Tuchscherer , R. Pfuhl, B. Stabenow, S.Erdmann, S. Goumon, L. Faucitano, K.Schluricke, A. Hoeflich.. 2017.  Interference of stress with the somatotropic axis in pigs – lights on new biomarkers  IGF & Insulin System in Physiology & Disease. Gordon Research Conference. 12 – 17 March 2017, Ventura, CA, USA. Abstract and Poster.


14. Illmann, G.,  Goumon, S,  Leszkowova, I., Šimeckova, M.  Ovlivňuje ustájení u prasete domácího v období laktace konflikt mezi rodičem a potomky během kojení? 44. etologická konference České a Slovenské etologické společnosti. 2017, s. 26.


13. Wirthgen E., M. Kunze; K. Schluricke, C. Walz, C. Höflich, M. Spitschak, J. Brenmoehl, E. Kanitz, M. Tuchscherer, W. Otten, U. Gimsa, P. Schön, C. Manteuffel, A. Tuchscherer , R. Pfuhl, B. Stabenow, C. Hoeflich, S. Goumon, L. Faucitano, S. Erdmann, A. Hoeflich.. 2016. Shipment associated effects on the somatotropic axis in pigs-a pilot study. 18th European Congress of Endocrinology. 28-31 May, Munich, Germany. Poster.  


12. Goumon S., G. Illmann. 2016. Effect of temporary crating on sow and piglet welfare during lactaction.  Free Farrowing workshop. Belfast, Ireland. Oral presentation


11. Goumon, S., M. Spinka. 2016. Emotional contagion of distress in young pigs is potentiated by previous exposure to the same stressor. Proceedings of the 50th International congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Edinburgh, Scotland. P404. Poster and abstract


10. Wirthgen E., M. Kunze; C. Walz, C. Höflich, M. Spitschak, J. Brenmoehl, E. Kanitz, M. Tuchscherer, W. Otten, U. Gimsa, P. Schön, C. Manteuffel, A. Tuchscherer , R. Pfuhl, B. Stabenow, S.Erdmann, S. Goumon, L. Faucitano, K.Schluricke, A. Hoeflich. 2016. Acute regulation of the IGF-system in transported pigs - biomarker potential of IGF/IGFBP-signatures for the assessment of animal welfare. Proceedings of the 8th International congress of GRS and IGF society. Tel Aviv, Israel. Poster and abstract


9. Goumon S. 2014. Welfare of pigs during transportation : focus on the effect of vehicle design and handling procedures. Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology. Dummerstorf, Germany. Invited talk


8. Goumon, S., L. Faucitano, R. Bergeron, T. Crowe, M. L. Connor and H.W. Gonyou 2014. Effect of previous ramp exposure and regular handling on heart rate, ease of handling and behaviour of near market-weight pigs during a simulated loading. VIIth European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Prague, Czech Republic. p178. Poster and abstract


7. Goumon S., J.A Brown, L. Faucitano, R. Bergeron, T.M. Widowski, T. Crowe and H.W. Gonyou. 2012. Effects of season and transport duration on behaviour, heart rate and body temperature of market weight pigs. 38th Animal Transport Association annual meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Oral presentation and abstract


6. Goumon S., R. Bergeron and H.W. Gonyou. 2011. The effect of ramp configuration on heart rate, handling and behaviour of market pigs at unloading. Proceedings of the 45th International congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. p119. Poster and abstract


5. Goumon S., L. Kavanagh and H.W. Gonyou. 2010. The interaction of group size and alley width on the movement of near market pigs. 10th Regional congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Pullman, Washington, USA. Oral presentation and abstract


4. Goumon S., Bergeron R. and Gonyou H.W. 2010. Effects of ramp slope on ease of unloading in pigs. Saskpork symposium. Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Poster


3. Goumon, S., L. Kavanagh and H.W. Gonyou 2010. The interaction of group size and alley width on the movement of near market pigs. Banff Pork Seminar. Banff, Canada. Oral presentation


2. Goumon S., E. Merlot, S. Roussel, D. Couret, A. Prunier and M.-C. Meunier Salaün. 2007. Conséquences d'une instabilité sociale chronique pendant la gestation des truies sur la réactivité émotionnelle et les performances de croissance de la progéniture. 39ème Journées de la Recherche Porcine. Paris, France. 39: 83-84. Short communication


1. Goumon S., E. Merlot, S. Roussel, C. Duvaux-Ponter, A. Boissy, I. Veissier and M.-C. Meunier-Salaün. 2007. Effect of repeated social instability in pregnant sows on learning ability of the offspring. Proceedings of the 41th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Merida, Mexico. p82. Poster and abstract



Non peer-reviewed publications (Producer outreach)


9. Goumon, S., Linhart, P. 2018. Aggression in groups of gestation sows. Naš Chov. 3, 42-43. (in Czech).


8. Goumon, S., Illmann, G., Leszkowova, I. 2018. Effect of temporay crating on sow and piglet behaviour and physiology. Naš Chov. 2, 66-67. (in Czech).


7. Wackermannová, M., Goumon, S., Illmann, G. 2018. Housing of lactating sows. Naš Chov. 2, 35-36. (in Czech).


6. Wirthgen E., M. Kunze; C. Walz, C. Höflich, M. Spitschak, J. Brenmoehl, E. Kanitz, M. Tuchscherer, W. Otten, U. Gimsa, P. Schön, C. Manteuffel, A. Tuchscherer , R. Pfuhl, B. Stabenow, S.Erdmann, S. Goumon, L. Faucitano, K.Schluricke, A. Hoeflich.. 2017.  Interference of stress with the somatotropic axis in pigs – lights on new biomarkers  IGF & Insulin System in Physiology & Disease. Gordon Research Conference. 12 – 17 March 2017, Ventura, CA, USA.


5. Wirthgen E., M. Kunze; K. Schluricke, C. Walz, C. Höflich, M. Spitschak, J. Brenmoehl, E. Kanitz, M. Tuchscherer, W. Otten, U. Gimsa, P. Schön, C. Manteuffel, A. Tuchscherer , R. Pfuhl, B. Stabenow, C. Hoeflich, S. Goumon, L. Faucitano, S. Erdmann, A. Hoeflich.. 2016. Shipment associated effects on the somatotropic axis in pigs-a pilot study. 18th European Congress of Endocrinology. 28-31 May, Munich, Germany.


4. Wackermannová, M., Goumon, S., Illmann, G. 2017. Pens with temporary crating: a viable alternative housing system to improve the welfare of lactating sows. Research in Pig Breeding. 11(2), 22 -26.


3. Špinka. M., Goumon, S., Illmann, G. 2016. Expert report on welfare subsidies for Czech Institute of Agricultural economics and information. (in Czech).


2. Goumon, S. and Spinka, M. 2014. Pig handling. Naš Chov 6, 54-55. (in Czech).


1. Kavanagh, L., Goumon S. and Gonyou, H.W. 2010. The interaction of group size and alley width on the movement of near market pigs. Prairie Swine Centre Annual Report. P 24-26.



2. Goumon, S. 2013. Effects of trailer configuration and handling procedures on the welfare of market pigs during transport to slaughter. Ph.D. Laval University. 255p.


1. Goumon, S. 2006. Effects of a chronic social stress (social mixing) applied to pregnant sows on the emotional and cognitive responses of piglets. MSc. National Institute for Agronomic Research. 35p.



Utility model


1. Rozkot, M., Martinek, L., Illmann, G., Goumon, S., Martinek, L., Daněk, P., Lipensky., J. 2018. Kotec s kombinovaným ustájením pro rodící a kojící prasnice WELLUP. Česká republika. Ověřená technologie. 373/2018 AGE.



Technical manual


1. Goumon, S., Illmann, G., Lipansky, J. Roskot, M. 2018. Technical manual for the temporary crating pen WELLUP. (in Czech).

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